Chuck Creek Property
The Chuck Creek Property covers 33.57 sq. kilometers (8,293 acres) and is situated in central British Columbia. The property is located within the Eagle Bay Assemblage of rocks and is surrounded on all sides by Taseko Mines' Yellowhead property, which hosts a copper-gold volcanogenic sulphide deposit. The large undeveloped Yellowhead deposit has proven and probable reserves of 817 million tonnes grading 0.29% copper equivalent. (https://www.tasekomines.com/properties/yellowhead).
The Chuck Creek claims have yielded significant multi-ounce gold silt samples in the past. Interra aims to discover the source of this mineralization, and conduct work this year on the project.
The Chuck Creek Property was first staked by the Property Holders in 2002 and is one of the largest unexplained alluvial gold stream geochemical anomalies in the province. Historical silt samples concentrates have returned up to 58,600 ppb Au and soil samples panned to concentrates have returned up to 78,600 ppb Au.
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